Archive for July, 2008
老狼 – 《北京的冬天》
July 17, 2008 @ 12:52 am
1995年一个冬天的深夜,老狼在《恋恋风尘》里说:我们有没有可能回到从前,你给了我很多快乐,我想为你做些事。 在夜深的时候和你在一起,分享一杯清水和一种声音。2007年的冬天,一样是夜深的时候,老狼在他的新专辑《北京的冬天》里用他依然感人的声音诠释了恋恋风尘之后北京冬天里的平和与恬淡。曾经的那一杯清水和那一种声音依旧存在于我们和老狼之间。
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iPhone 3G
July 13, 2008 @ 10:30 pm
Just got the iPhone 3G. Thinner edges, full plastic back, flush headphone jack, GPS and the newest iPhone 2.0 firmware. Added a contact search function. The sound is improved like crystal clear. Its 3G speeds trounce the competition, with pageloads 36% faster than the N95 and Treo 750 and of course it completely trounces the old EDGE data speeds.
Photos quality is improved, camera’s shutter speed is more faster than my old one, that means you can shoot a good photo while moving.
But still need to wait for the hack to get the installer installed. (App store sucks)
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